Birth Story: prodromal birth, hypnobabies + homebirth
What an honor to walk with Nicole as she powerfully met Frankie in April. Her birth story is wonderfully crafted, and I hope it provides inspiration and support to any who need it.
'It felt like I had just unlocked a whole new set of arsenal to help me get through labor' - regarding hypnosis in birth
'I leaned over and gave Nate a big kiss. Partly because Ina May taught me kissing your partner produces oxytocin which helps labor and partly because I felt so in love and connected to him and excited that we were bringing a child into the world together.'
'It felt like surfing: intensity, a break to catch my breath and more intensity.'
“with each surge, I go deeper and deeper relaxed” and “I can allow strong sensations to run through me without resistance”
'After having gone through it I can say there is no way I would want to not have a water birth – it was so natural and really helped with pushing and delivery.'
'I told her “you and I are going to work together to get you out!” Well right before she was out, her head started MOVING – wiggling! I had always thought babies and their heads were just passive beings being squeezed out, but she was wiggling and squirming her way to help me push her out. It was the most surprising and incredible feeling I have ever experienced in my life. It was like she was saying “mom, we’ve got this!” like the unexpected underdog who flies in during the final scene to save the day. She was rising to her occasion, puling through on her end of the deal. I worked with her wiggling and pushed during the next contraction and she released all at once and floated up to me.'Looking back on it now, I can say there was never a point during the birth where I felt like it was more than I could handle.
How wrong our culture was for weaving fear and disempowerment into the narrative about labor and birth
I wish I could go back in time and tell my pregnant self not to be afraid. I wish I could tell myself that I could trust my body and my baby. I attribute my positive experience to the work I did during pregnancy, but also largely to the midwives who cared for me throughout my pregnancy and birth, our doula, and the instructor who led our hypnosis for childbirth class. They all left me feeling incredibly empowered and supported and I wish all women had access to support like this.
Thank you for sharing your incredible birth which you manifested through all of your hard work!
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