“Honey, can you take a look at this?” Unless our partners have already shown us THEIRS, we’re not going to be too excited showing OURS.
Hemorrhoids & varicose veins go hand in hand. Both are visible / palpable symptoms of vein health. Or rather, vein walls that aren’t able to provide the support we wish they would.
Most common for the first time birthing person are hemorrhoids after birth. Even with gentle, exhale-breath pushing, the process itself can create hemorrhoids.
Great! Now we get to sit on our butt and breastfeed for weeks...the joy!
For those with familial history of varicose veins, not only are hemorrhoids more likely, but a hidden suprise - VAGINAL varicosities or LABIAL varicosities 🥰. You’ve got to be kidding, right?
I get so many txt messages from clients who find someTHING where nothing should be. It can also be a vein that partners can’t see due to the location.
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